Saturday, August 3, 2013


Before I start ranting about this... atrocious organization, I'll let you all know: I love every single animal on this earth and it would truly break my heart to see anything bad happen to them. But at the same time, I love eating meat and keeping myself warm with sheepskin during the winter. Another thing I have tell you all: I friggin' hate PeTA!! ><*

Why would you hate an organization that saves animals? For one thing, they wanna be like Nazis and soccer moms combined and control everything! From the food we eat to the clothes we wear, they have a complaint. Here's a list of ones I heard:
  • They threaten Ben and Jerry's to change their recipe to include human breast milk instead of untreated cow's milk or the company will be boycotted.
  • They complain about fur coats that's obviously made of the fake stuff.
  • They constantly bash KFC and Burger King for "killing innocent animals for meat."
  • They made Petco stop selling birds and some rodents because they were "being cruel."
  • They complain to the makers of 'Assassin's Creed V' for portraying pirates going whale hunting. That's what they did back then, you compost-for-brains hicks!!
Then, there's their common protest phrase and, I swear, their slogan: "I rather go naked than wear fur." It's pretty obvious that because of fur's high costs lately, we have to switch to the fake stuff and it's just as soft and warm as the real thing. In my opinion, if you'd rather be nude than wear fur, look forward to freezing to death in the winter! The second thing they complain about is animal testing. Are you kidding me? We humans are dependent on animals to help us feel better or, in some cases, supply body parts to us. What difference does it make if Old Man Jefferson gets a pacemaker just tested on an ox or if little Jimmy gets a new ear formed from a naked mole rat? NONE!!

Another thing I wanna talk about is that they wanna ban any animals in every household and zoo because "owners are cruel and constantly beat them." Not everybody has that mindset of "beat them until they listen." Even my own family worries about our pets. And the reason why there are zoos and aquariums is so endangered animals can be safe and available for future generations to see, so they can't get run over by vehicles or get eaten by predators. For God's sake, there are conservation programs in several parks, like Sea World and the San Diego Zoo! We're trying to save the animals ourselves WITHOUT YOUR SO-CALLED "HELP!!!!"

Another thing I hate about them are these god-awful video game parodies they made to "convey" their message of animal cruelty. These games are making Mortal Kombat look like Barney & Friends by comparison!
  1. "Super Chick Sisters," in which two chicks have to defeat this Bowser-like monster that they made out of Colonel Sanders.
  2. "Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals," where you "kill" a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner chockful of nonsensical ingredients. Blood and feathers in eggs? REALLY?!
  3. "Super Tanuki Skin 2D," obviously a parody of "Super Mario Bros 3." This evolved from a case of mistaken identity when PeTA thought Mario actually skinned a tanuki as a powerup in a recent game. This, to me, was the crowning achievement of my hatred of the organization. Why bash Mario over a powerup?!
  4. Their recent one and the most harsh of all, "Pokemon Black and Blue." OMG, PeTA! Why would you slap a collar on Pikachu and claim that Ash did that?!
What I like is somebody actually complained for a lot of these ads that PeTA distributed. A few years ago, the organization released ads comparing cows on a farm to emancipated humans during WWII, dubbed "Holocaust on Your Plate." A Jewish man actually filed a lawsuit and won. Random Jewish guy, I salute you!

The worst part of this organization, from what I heard, is that it's focused on saving animals from cruelty and yet they kill almost every single shelter animal they can get their gritty mitts on! WTF, PeTA?!?!?!?! You are making every butcher on Earth seem like a groomer!

The only thing I root for is their approval of adopting from regular or "no-kill" shelters. I myself volunteer at a no-kill shelter and it's great. But sadly, this organization just has too many bad things about them that make me wanna Hadoken a deer and eat it alive.

My suggestion to the rest of you: If you wanna donate to any organization dedicated to animals, WWF, ASPCA or a local shelter is a far better idea. At least they know how to spend it wisely.

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